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Study Notes

Bible Study Notes and Resources

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2024 Grounded Conversations

2/4/24 Week 1 Questions 2/4/24 Sermon – Who Is God?
2/7/24 Is God a Misogynist? Is God a Misogynist?
2/11/24 Week 2 Questions 2/11/24 Sermon – What Is the Bible?
2/14/24 Can I Really Trust the Bible? Can I Really Trust the Bible?
2/18/24 Week 3 Questions  
2/21/24 What Is the Gospel? What Is The Gospel?
2/25/24 Week 4 Questions 2/25/24 Sermon – What Is the Gospel? & How Do I Know I’m Saved?
2/28/24 Assurance of Salvation How Do I Know I’m Saved?
3/3/24 Week 5 Questions 3/3/24 Sermon – Why Do I Need a Church?
3/6/24 Why Are Christians so Hypocritical? Understanding God’s People. Why Are Christians so Hypocritical?
3/10/24 Week 6 Questions  
3/13/24 Can I Be Rebaptized? Can I Be Rebaptized?
3/17/24 Week 7 Questions What Is Baptism? and What Is the Lord’s Supper?
3/24/24 Week 8 Questions How Do I Pray?
3/27/24 Making Sense of God’s Trinity Making Sense of God’s Trinity
3/31/24 Week 9 Questions How Do I Share My Faith?
4/3/24 Sharing My Faith Sharing My Faith
4/7/24 Week 10 Questions How Do I Treat People?
4/10/24 Can Christians Be Wealthy? Can Christians Be Wealthy?
4/14/24 Week 11 Questions What’s My Best Self?
4/17/24 Aren’t Christians Basically Good? Aren’t Christians Basically Good?
4/21/24 Week 12 Questions What Happens When I Mess Up?
4/24/24 What About People Who Haven’t Heard the Gospel? What About People Who Haven’t Heard the Gospel?
4/28/24 Week 13 Questions What’s Next?
5/1/24 Who Got the Body? Who Got The Body?
8/7/24 Is God Bipolar? Is God Bipolar?
8/14/24 Does God Hate Gay People? Does God Hate Gay People?
8/21/24 Does God Change His Mind? Does God Change His Mind?
8/28/24 Does God Turn His Back on Suffering? Does God Turn His Back on Suffering?
9/4/24 Would God Condemn People to Hell? Would God Condemn People to Hell?
9/11/24 What Does The Bible Say About Angels? What Does The Bible Say About Angels?
9/18/24 Does The Bible Condone Slavery? Does The Bible Condone Slavery?
9/25/24 Can Women Be Preachers? Can Women Be Preachers?
10/2/24 Why Does God Allow Preachers to Profit Off His Name? Why Does God Allow Preachers to Profit Off His Name?
10/9/24 Is Jesus the Only Way? Is Jesus the Only Way?
10/23/24 Why Should I Believe the Bible More Than Science? Why Should I Believe the Bible More Than Science?

2023 Notes

1/11/2023   Lift Higher through Leadership
1/18/2023 LiftHigher through Creativity Lift Higher through Creativity
1/25/2023 Lift Higher through Legacy Lift Higher through Legacy
2/1/2023 Better: The God Who Speaks Better: The God Who Speaks
2/8/2023 Better: Name Dropping Better: Name Dropping
2/15/2023 Better: Don’t Raise Your Anchor Better: Don’t Raise Your Anchor
2/22/2023 Better: Hello, It’s Me Better: Hello, It’s Me
3/1/23 Better: Who Can I Run To? Better: Who Can I Run To?
3/8/23 Better: Learning from the Past Better: Learning from the Past
3/15/23 Better: Yearning for the Future Better: Yearning for the Future
3/29/23 Better: Exposed Better Exposed
4/5/23 Better: Forever, Ever Better: Forever, Ever
4/12/23 Better: We Have to Go Over This Again? Better: We Have to Go Over This Again?
4/19/23 Better: When Experience Ain’t Enough Better: When Experience Ain’t Enough
4/26/23 Better: A Hope That’s Guaranteed Better: A Hope That’s Guaranteed
8/2/23 Better: A Strange Biography Better: A Strange Biography
8/9/23 Better: In the Loins Better: In the Loins
8/16/23 Better: A Different Order Priest Better: A Different Order Priest
8/23/23 Better: Permanent Tenure Better: Permanent Tenure
8/30/23 Better: Out With the Old, In With the New Better: Out With the Old, In With the New
9/6/23 Better: Good, Better, Best Better: Good, Better, Best
9/13/23 Better: A Better Sanctuary Better: A Better Sanctuary
9/20/23 Better: The Last Sacrifice – One and Done Better: The Last Sacrifice – One and Done
9/27/23 Better: Faith Requires Action Better: Faith Requires Action
10/4/23 Better: The Judgment of Sin Better: The Judgment of Sin
10/11/23 Better: School of Hard Knocks Better: School of Hard Knocks
10/18/23 Better: The Hall of Faith Better: The Hall of Faith
10/25/23 Better: Running a Fixed Race Better: Running a Fixed Race
11/1/23 Better: A Tale of Two Mountains Better: A Tale of Two Mountains
11/8/23 Better: The Voice Better: The Voice
11/15/23 Better: Faith in Action Better: Faith in Action


2022 Notes

1/12/2022 The Why Behind the How The Why Behind the How
1/19/2022 The Big Picture The Big Picture
1/26/2022 Lessons on Language Lessons on Language
2/2/2022 Approaching the Text Approaching the Text
2/9/2022 The Transfiguration The Transfiguration
2/16/2022   Racism and the American Church
2/23/2022 Interpreting the Text Interpreting the Text
3/2/2022 The Parables The Parables
3/9/2022 Apocalyptic Literature Apocalyptic Literature
3/16/2022 The Epistles The Epistles
3/30/2022 All Words Matter All Words Matter
4/6/2022 A Study on Joy A Study on Joy
4/13/2022 A Study on Rejoice A Study on Rejoice
4/20/2022 So What? Part 1 So What? Part 1
4/27/2022 So What? Part 2 So What? Part 2
5/4/2022 Finding Christ in Creation Finding Christ in Creation
5/11/2022 Finding Christ in the Exodus Finding Christ in the Exodus
5/18/2022 Finding Christ in the Unleavened Bread Finding Christ in the Unleavened Bread
5/25/2022 Finding Christ in the Tabernacle Finding Christ in the Tabernacle