Getting to Know You
When it comes to our relationships with others, making time and effort to understand a person’s character is what creates a greater level of intimacy. This allows the relationship to thrive. In our world today, it is often a challenge to have authentic relationships because of the difficulty in getting to the core of who a person really is. Rarely do we reveal our true selves fully and freely to others. We sometimes wear a mask and tend to hide parts of ourselves out of fear that we might not be liked or loved in return.
But not our heavenly Father! He wants us to know Him intimately.
The capacity to which we experience God and grow in relationship with Him is directly proportional to our knowledge and understanding of who He is and what His character is like. To know God is to know and grow in love, because He is love! Jeremiah 29:13 tells us that when we seek God with our whole hearts we will find Him. As you approach your time digging deeper into scripture this year, I’d like to encourage you to not just read words on a page, checking an item off of your to-do list. Take the time to pray before you begin and ask for understanding. Approach your study of HIs word with a heart that truly desires to know who He is. Approach His word with a posture of expectation and begin to search for Him on the pages. This creates space in your heart for Him to communicate with you, revealing more and more to you about His character. Before long, His words will begin to leap off the pages at you and capture your heart.