Saint Mark Helps: Learn more about how you can be a part!
Q: What types of groups are there?
A: Members can be in one of five groups: married couples, men, women, singles, and young adults. Since we are doing life together, we don’t want you to overcommit. We recommend you sign up for one group.
Q: When do groups meet?
A: Groups will meet throughout the year over three semesters in the spring, summer and fall. Spring and fall semesters are three months. The summer semester will meet two months. During these times, some groups will meet every week. Others will meet every other week. It’s up to you to decide whether or not you want a group that meets weekly or bi-weekly.
Q: What will we do in the groups?
A: When you meet, your group will work through bible study guided by your group leader. But you will also schedule time to hang out with your group. We just ask that you make sure you schedule dedicated time to study your lesson together. You will also serve together. Your group leader will tell you more!
Q: How many people are in a group?
A: Each group will contain eight to ten people.
Q: How long will I be in a group?
A: We ask that you commit one year (three semesters) to your group.
Q: Can I bring my kids?
A: Each group determines individually if kids can attend.

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Let’s do life together. When we learn and serve in small groups of believers, we build meaningful connections of support, concern and encouragement. Most of all, we strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ and ultimately help lead others to him.

Life Group FAQs

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