Saint Mark Helps: Learn more about how you can be a part!

Grow in Serving

We believe every member at Saint Mark should be growing in Serving!

God has given each of us at least one spiritual gift to be used to serve Him and others. While we are many members we are all a part of one body (1 Corinthians 12), and all of us play an important role in the work of ministry. To that end, it is important for each of us to learn what those gifts are so that we can be effective members in helping the Gospel go forth. 

Don’t know your spiritual gift? We’ve set up a free assessment that will help you find out where you fit in. Just click the image below to set up your profile and begin.

  1. Click the sign up now link.
  2. Enter your information.
  3. Create user name and password.
  4. Click on Grace Gifts assessment and take the assessment.

I’m ready to serve!

Once you’ve discovered your gifts, or if you already know where you’d like to serve CLICK HERE to let us know which ministries you are interested in using your gifts.

Want to know more about spiritual gifts and Finding Your Fit?

Our church examined three areas of spiritual gifts in a detailed study that gave us a closer look.  Here is the link to the study guide and access to the complete YouTube playlist with the video lessons.