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Subscribe to receive a FREE The Growth Factor daily devotional to help you grow deeper in God’s Word!
The global pandemic showed us that the internet is a necessary part of church life. The way believers worship and fellowship are no longer limited to four walls of a physical building because the internet expanded the church’s reach. The largest community in the world is right at our fingertips via a cellphone or computer… and there are millions living in this virtual space who need a church community too.
Therefore, Saint Mark Baptist Church has created The Growth Factor – the online church community for people to grow in learning, serving, and giving at any time, anywhere. The Growth Factor is a Christ-centered community on social media led by the Online Campus Pastor that offers daily interactive content and weekly motivational messages from church leaders to help you get on track and stay on track in your spiritual growth journey. The goal is to connect you to a community with other people who are growing just like you. Get connected to our growing Facebook group today!
When it comes to our relationships with others, making time and effort to understand a person's character is what creates a greater level of intimacy. This allows the relationship to thrive. In our world today, it is often a challenge to have authentic relationships because of the difficulty in getting to the core of who a person really is. Rarely do we reveal our true selves fully and freely to others. We sometimes wear a mask and tend to hide parts of ourselves out of fear that we might not be liked or loved in return.
Learn more about how growing with God grows You! Through tools like our Growth Factor podcast, growth groups, sunday school, financial literacy courses, we offer the support you need to have an abundant life.
Service is a crucial pillar in fulfilling Saint Mark’s mission. Visit our Opportunities page to learn more about how you can serve with Saint Mark and give back to our church and surrounding community.
The financial support of our members and other donations allow Saint Mark to fulfill its mission. Give to aid Saint Mark in offering opportunities for all to grow in God’s Word.